Chakra Healing Attunements


Prerequisite-Reiki Master or equivalent, with the ability to send attunements to others and basic knowledge of the chakras. The manual is not intended as in in-depth exploration of the chakras, but is meant to explain how the Chakra Healing Attunements work.

Chakra Healing Attunements

from the manual

“The Chakra Healing Attunements are a powerful way to send concentrated healing energy to a specific chakra. The attunement clears out negative energy in the chakra, re-aligns the chakra, and opens it.

The Chakra Healing Attunements work to cleanse and heal the chakras from old issues and negative energies that are being held there. A healing attunement is like a super-charged healing session and an extremely powerful way to make changes quickly.

The Chakra Healing Attunements work as attunements only-they are not a separate Reiki system with unique symbols that are used during a normal Reiki healing session. You can certainly give someone a Chakra Healing Attunement when performing Reiki. But the attunement is a different process then how you would use a regular Reiki system.

You may find that the Chakra Healing Attunement clears out issues faster and more completely than a regular Reiki treatment. There are plusses and minuses to this. The plus is how quickly the attunements work. The minus is that sometimes, when a lot of energy is moved quickly, the recipient will experience clearing symptoms…….”

Chakra Healing Attunements

With your purchase you will receive: • 1 PDF Manual written by the founder Stephanie Brail/Element Energy Center (14 pages from 2005) • 1 Distant Attunement sent by me • 1 PDF about Distant Attunements that includes How to receive an Attunement, What is an Attunement, Before your Attunement, During your Attunement & After your Attunement Information • A Certificate of Achievement including the lineage upon request When your order is complete I will email you the manual to go over and when you are ready for your Attunement please email me to tell me and I will let you know when it is prepared. The Attunement is sent by me using a chi-ball or light sphere method and it is kept intact and safe until you are ready to call it in when the time is right for you. You can call it in anytime you like once it is prepared. You will receive further instructions with the Attunement. *Yes! You can pass this energy onto others


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